Bryn Clovis Turnout Shed
The Bryn Clovis Turnout Shed
This “shed” was built for a Willistown based thoroughbred breeding operation. The challenge was to build a modern structure in accordance with the latest knowledge pertaining to the safety and health of thoroughbreds, yet to give the illusion that this building have been part of the farm complex since its initial construction in 1904. A further challenge was the pressure of blending this structure into the farm at one of the most visible landmarks in Willistown under the gaze of many critical passerby.
The turnout shed is 90 feet long and 35 feet deep with a 12 foot 6 inch ceiling. The top floor has 3000 square feet of hay storage. The architects tried to make it appear as if this structure had actually been in existence before the rest of the farm was completed. They added such details as the distinctive eyebrow dormers for hay ventilation to add a touch of uniqueness, yet the overall composite effect is one of continuity at the hands of the same craftsman.